Pitching to Random House

Random House, which was founded by Bennett Cerf and Donald Klophfer in either 1925 or 1927 it is one if the largest general interest trade book publishing houses, not only in New York but around the world. They have offices in Spain, The United Kingdom, New Zealand, South Africa, and China. Random House has international companies with many partners that are just as well know. Penguin House, Ballatine Books , Crown Publishing , I even notice Double Day Books  which is under the banner of Penguin House. Please go to the links and peak at the writers and books they represent to see how huge they are.



No Random House hasn’t signed me to publish Hidden Temptation, yet. Are you curious to know why I’m sharing this trivia with your?  The NY Writing Group host says he is speaking with Random house to invite one of their editor to attend our group. Yea, how cool is that? I feel the butterflies somersaulting in my stomach just thinking about it.  Or is that gas?



Also Random House will be hosting an open house with their editors and publishers. The cost is  $99 a reasonable cost for someone still working.  For a person on Social Security it’s a matter of giving up some medication for a month.
Our host, the voice of reason suggests that we’re confident our work is completely ready. You guys know I’ve edited Hidden Temptation for over a year. I keep finding something wrong. Many of you tell me there has to come a time to just say it’s ready and release.



But this is Random House! It is a big deal to meet editors, publishers, and possible agents. I would have the opportunity to pitch Hidden Temptation. I will be so close to my dream I’ll be able to smell the ink from the printing press.



The $99 is just one hurdle the other is pitching Hidden Temptation. When I tell people what Hidden Temptation is about they get excited and say it sounds good. Will good be enough for Random House? Will I even be able to pitch Hidden Temptation without stuttering and mumbling my words? This isn’t any ordinary stranger, this is someone who has the ability to make my dreams come true, The NY Writing Club won’t be meeting for a month and when we do resume meeting, it’s possible a Random editor will be there and we’ll have an opportunity to pitch our work. Again I ask my sometime(y) self-confidence can you do it Silent Kim? Can you make yourself heard for real?



I run my mouth a lot. Can I run my mouth when it’s important, at an opportunity to woo an editor to find interest in Hidden Temptation? Hell yea! To not try is already a fail. At my age, with my health, this is a one in a lifetime opportunity for me. What the hell do I have to lose? I put so much of myself into Hidden Temptation. I am proud that it’s compete. It’s a story with many twist and turns. The genres over lap and I believe it’s full of emotions. But will an editor at Ransom House think so?



If I pitch and the editor isn’t interest it will be the closest I’ll ever get to mainstream publishing. That in itself, will give me bragging rights.


Somewhere in the future.

I’ll sit with my grandchild that has the writing bug in the near future and say to them. “You know some years back I pitched for Random House. They weren’t interested but I’m proud that a publishing House of that magnitude listened to me.”


Or the story could go this way.

“I remember when I pitched my first novel Hidden Temptation to a Random editor. Boy was I nervous.” I smile and shake my head. “I was ecstatic when they said I might have something there and offered to work with me. See my dream came true. So could yours.”


If it doesn’t work out for me at Random House I have Create Space and Amazon to publish Hidden Temptation.


8 thoughts on “Pitching to Random House

  1. You inspire me. I feel so excited for you. Just like a Mother would waiting for her child to open letters from potential colleges, I will pray to the Creator. You deserve this.


  2. It sounds like you have your mind made up and I will back you on your decision 100% EXCEPT for giving up medication. Can you do a little tapping on your friends to help you out with the fee? Can you appeal to the sponsor for a discount?

    You are an amazingly calm person in the face of pressure (i’m sure) Good luck with this. I am rooting for you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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