What’s My Genre?

Hidden Temptation started as a romance novel. Odette my protagonist has some issues about falling in love, love is taboo for her.  The story would be boring if she didn’t right? She has sisters who are older, well you know sisters. You could imagine. No spoilers sorry. Odette has a job, a friend and a lover or two.


So how would I sub list that as genre Romance /family? There’s graphic sex in Hidden Temptation too. Those who can’t do it write about . . . no, I think it’s they teach. Well, I could do that too. Seriously my sex chapters (yes plural) are steamy and I considered toning them down. But thinking about Shades of Grey By E. L. James I thought maybe I should heat it up some more. But I won’t, in my opinion, Shades was smut, straight up porn. My sex in Hidden Temptation is pretty detailed I won’t lie. Maybe a wee bit perverted but they’re sprinkled throughout the book.  There is more story than body bumping.


Toward the end of Hidden Temptation, there is an incident that turns it into a who done it mystery.  So how do I classify my book, “A family saga with a who done it mystery, erotic love story.” Sounds a little confusing right? But life can be messy so Hidden Temptation is a little messy. If you were looking for sweet girl meets nice boy Hidden Temptation is not that book. Odette and Wilhelm are nice but they have baggage and love is not what either of them is looking for. It’s sex yep a spoiler they want sex and they get it. The question is do they have sex with each other? For that information, you will need to read Hidden Temptation to find out.



I read an article in Writer’s Digest that said many books in today’s market have crossover genre. Well, this is certainly true of Hidden Temptation.  I think I mentioned I started Hidden Temptation with an idea. I saw the name Wilhelm in a book I was reading years ago and I liked the spelling, just as simple as that he was going to be my antagonist.  The original title was, Surrendering to Desire or Tempting Desire. One of my beta readers suggested Hidden Temptation.
As I started writing Hidden Temptation my muse, who really needs a name, decided to go  in a different direction. Julia, that’s my going to be my muse’s name. Julia got me excited and I ran behind her trying to catch up with her ideas. The end result is a body of work I am extremely satisfied with and can’t wait to share. Are you excited? What do you think about the genre based on the little info I shared?


©Kimberly Wilhelmina Floria



I think my twist I have good conflict and everything connects.  I think I told a good story and I think I told it well.  Well, it is mostly a story told around mental and physical attraction so I guess the genre is Romance.


Visit Thursday I’m going to tell you about Unnecessary Words


Disclaimer:  I completed Hidden Temptation, my first completed novel and this blog is a humble attempt to create interest in its debut. I am not a professional and this is no way an educational guide.  I am merely sharing my writing experience, what I picked up reading other novels, and what I learned in the process of completing Hidden Temptation.

I hope my experience helps fellow writers create a higher quality of art. I do not presume that Hidden Temptation is perfect or of professional quality but I do believe it is close. Your opinions, thoughts, and feedback are most welcome. Please feel free to create an open thread and share thoughts, and opinions so that we can help each other grow as a community of writers.

5 thoughts on “What’s My Genre?

  1. I never think about “genre” much. I don’t think it is that important really and as you mention above crossover genre is quite popular these days. Certainly the (excellent) novel I just finished reading is one example.

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